Ben and I have been honored to tell our story on several recent podcast platforms. We really love to share our journey and have the opportunity to thank all of the wonderful people who have helped us get where we are today. We couldn't have done it without our "tribe"!
Here are several podcasts to catch if you have not already heard them:
One question that I was asked really resonated with me.
Tracy asked "How has Ben's diagnosis changed you?"
My answer is that I am a middle child and have always been a "peace at any price" type of person. I hate conflict and am happiest when everyone around me is content as well. What Ben's diagnosis taught me was that I needed to be able to ask for what he needed even if it was not the comfortable thing to do and at times it was the hardest thing for me to do.
Along Ben's journey we struggled big time with getting Ben to learn to read and write. He was stalled at kindergarten level reading material even as he was heading into 4th grade. I would absolutely love and accept him no matter what he was able to achieve but my biggest fear was that I would not maximize his potential if I gave up too soon. That's when God brought Miss Nichole into our lives.
She will always be one of the biggest gifts God ever gave us as she introduced us to a method that went straight to Ben's heart and mind and provided him the skill to learn to read and write. She changed his life from one of illiteracy to literacy and altered his whole world.
I had to spend countless hours advocating for Ben to be sure that he always received the appropriate services and no longer could I try to just keep the peace but I needed to stand up for what was right. I look back and don't even recognize the person I was before.
Ben has changed our whole family in positive ways. My husband from being an introvert to an extrovert by showing him that he could talk to strangers and meet new people. His brother Glenn Jr. who is not afraid of any disability and has been known to race wheel chair students around church hallways and serve as a Special Olympic coach. And his brother Dan, who now works with special needs clients and helps them meet their personal goals as well as supports Ben in his speaking career. To see them so comfortable with anyone has made this mama's heart glad.
Hope you enjoy the podcasts and a deeper dive into our story.
Love you more,